Saturday, October 22, 2011

The advantages and disadvantages of being an APPLE school

In Alberta there are I believe around 40 APPLE schools. This is a government funded program that comes to your school for three years and then it is up to the school to continue it on their own.
Obesity is a huge problem across the world and the APPLE program teaches schools ways to be healthier and more active.
Once a month our staff meetings are only on how we have done being an APPLE school. This past Thursday we met in the gym and learned new DPA (daily physical activities) we can do in the gym or classroom with our kids. Part of the learning was doing them ourselves! In this one game you had to throw a rubber die across in your circle and whatever number your thumb was on when the music stopped, you had to do the exercise that was correlated with that number. Well my group kept landing on jump squats and oh my lord I was sore the next morning! It still hurts to move!
If you want anymore info. on APPLE schools or DPA ideas let me know!

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