Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Profound Moment

There was a sad ending to this week at school. Our Principal's mom passed away from Alzheimers at a young age.
The day after being notified of the loss, I had my students write their own card and prayer for our Principal and her family. To start we talked about own experiences with death and what sort of things might we be praying for given the circumstances. The school I am at has a lot of First Nation students which seem to be, for the most part, more spiritual in these times. We were just about to wrap up our brainstorm session when one little grade 4 girl put up her hand and started talking...
"Sometimes when people die they think that that person will be alone and they worry about that. I hope that she knows that all of our family members and friends that have died are all keeping her mom company up in Heaven."
Now it took all my might not to start crying (my own grandma passed away from the same thing back in August) and what a thing to come out of the mouth of a 9 year old. So profound and genuine. These are the moments that renew our faith and remind us of the wisdom of babes.

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