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This is my fourth year teaching and I have taught almost every subject from grades 4-9. My goal is to create independent and critical thinkers. Follow me on pinterest:

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Blogging with Students

I have started blogging with my grade 4s. There is such a huge push for increasing our students' use of technology that I thought I would give it a try.

The site that I am using is It is set up for teachers to use with their students and is VERY user friendly. The major thing that I like about it is that you can change the settings so that you can approve every post and every comment. This ensures that no inappropriate content will go on it or posts that have no depth.

The biggest struggle I have had with blogging is that students at first used it as a chat room. It drove me crazy! This is why now I have my settings so that I have to approve comments and not just posts. It can also get time consuming if students are really into posting.

What do we blog about?
Usually I will give them a journal topic that is fairly open ended and then they can create a unique post title (which is also great practice for news articles or short story titles). Then I try and have them end their post with a question so that other students will want to comment.

This is definitely still a work in progress but I think the more we use it the more disciplined their posts and comments become :)

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