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This is my fourth year teaching and I have taught almost every subject from grades 4-9. My goal is to create independent and critical thinkers. Follow me on pinterest:

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Homework Tardiness

As a teacher, I am sure you all have those students who do not like to hand in homework and get every excuse imaginable as to why it is not handed in. You may also get tired of hearing those excuses and asking the same question, "Why is your homework not done?"
I came up with a form the students fill out. It has become part of our homework turn in routine. Those students who hand in homework put it in the Turn In Bin. The ones that do not have their homework grab one of my forms and fill it out and also put it in the Turn In Bin. This way you are still getting something from each student and it is so easy to keep track of who has done what!

Hope it works for you as it has for me!

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